We are providing you some of the GK,marketing and computer questions asked in today's exam Which is the Regulatory body for RRB? - NABARD Who is the author of God of small thing ? Arundhati Roy NPS s…
We are providing you some of the GK,marketing and computer questions asked in today's exam Which is the Regulatory body for RRB? - NABARD Who is the author of God of small thing ? Arundhati Roy NPS s…
Types of questions in today's examData analysis and interpretationthe sections consists of - 4 sets of DI's 5 series questions 1 set of question on data analysis probability (coloured balls) 5 data s…
We are providing you some of the GK,marketing and computer questions asked in today's exam. What does B stands for in ECB ? - Borrowings What is the full form of RRB ? - Regional rural Bank What is …
Types of questions in today's examData analysis and interpretationthe sections consists of - 5 sets of DI's(language,pie chart, bar graph and line chart and tabular) 5 series questions 5 questions pr…
Young Tiger NTR is very impressed with his director Puri Jagan. The talented actor is happy with the direction of Puri for the latest movie and he has also recently tweeted about Puri and we all know…
From the past two weeks, we had been continuously bringing you exclusive updates on the special telethon that has been planned on the 30th of this month. According to the latest update, all the top T…
అభిమానం అనేది వెలకట్టలేనిది అని మన సినీ తారలు వీలు చిక్కినప్పుడల్లా చెబుతూనే ఉంటారు. అది నిజమే అన్నట్టుగా కొన్ని సంఘటనలు కూడా జరుగుతుంటాయి బయట. ఈ సంవత్సరం భారీ అంచనాలతో జూనియర్ ఎన్టీఆర్ హీరోగా వచ్చిన…
It looks like more than KCR, Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah is feeling the competition from AP CM Chandrababu. Couple of days after AP’s tech-savvy Naidu tried to woo IT industries to Vizag, Karnataka CM …